Sugary Drink
Liam Reilly
| 10-12-2024
· Food Team
In the hot summer, drinks have become the new favorite of everyone. It is really comfortable to drink cold drinks in hot weather. But in fact, drinking drinks is not effective for quenching thirst, but it will adversely affect the body.
Here are a few major hazards you have to know.
It is easy to cause child obesity.
Among those children who like to drink drinks, polarization often occurs in physical development. Fat or thin?
As we all know, eating sugar will get fat. The sugar content of carbonated beverages is about 10%, and the sugar content of 355 ml of carbonated beverages is about 40 grams.
2 cans of carbonated drinks have 320 kcal energy. If we take 28,800 kcal energy for 3 consecutive months, it is equivalent to increasing fat by 4.1 kg.
Increase the risk of diabetes.
Although there is no evidence that too much sugar can increase the risk of diabetes. But because you drink too much drink with high sugar, the calories staying in your body will exceed the standard.
After the required standards are exceeded, obesity and diabetes follow. Therefore, the cause of diabetes directly is because the calories in the human body exceed the standard, while sugary drinks play the role of a catalyst.
Cause osteoporosis.
According to data, the risk of teenagers who drink carbonated drinks often increases three times. Carbonated drinks, especially cola, contain phosphate.
This kind of phosphate can affect bone growth and development, and at the same time cause an imbalance in the proportion of calcium and phosphorus.
According to the British "Daily Mail", Australian scientists said that there is evidence that excessive drinking of sugar-containing beverages will not only be limited to the material body itself but also cause behavior and spiritual changes.
Researchers compare those mice that drink a month of sucrose water and mice that drink water. The sugar concentration of sucrose water is roughly equivalent to the sugar concentration of carbonated beverages.
The results showed that the group of mice that had been drinking sugar water appeared extremely active. After some tissue analysis was extracted from some of their brains, it was found that nearly 300 protein content changed.
Franklin said: "Drinking too much sugar-containing drink will not only affect your waistline but also cause the brain chemicals to be transformed. Therefore, before drinking these drinks, you should think about whether you should drink them."
It is unrealistic to use drinks to quench thirst in summer. What is the healthiest to drink in summer?
Recommended 1: boiled water.
The best drink in summer is boiled water. A large number of studies have shown that the safety, purity, and penetration of boiled water are very good. After the body's intake, the digestion and absorption of the body are very good.
And the cost of boiling water is also very low. As long as the water sources are clean, everyone can use boiled water as the main source of drinks.
Recommended 2: Seasonal fruits.
In summer, you can find all kinds of fresh fruits in the market. They are rich in minerals, which can help us get rid of thirst well. Parents should encourage their children to eat fruits or make fresh fruit juice to help children eat more fruits.