Taming Chaos With Order
Arvind Singh
| 26-01-2025
· Lifestyle Team
Getting organized can seem like a daunting task, especially for those who tend to be a bit messy.
It can take hours or even days to tackle just one room and create a sense of order. For messy individuals, the challenge of staying organized only adds to the difficulty.

Expert Advice from Haya Kramer

To shed some light on the best methods for organization, we reached out to professional organizer and home design consultant Haya Kramer. Kramer is the founder of the design firm Graylane Solutions, where she specializes in transforming cluttered spaces into aesthetically pleasing and functional interiors.
For those who may have missed out on their spring cleaning this year, now is the time to pay attention. Here is a compilation of eight essential tricks recommended by an expert in organizing:
1. Starting Small
Taking on organizing projects can quickly become overwhelming. Focus on one area at a time, starting with small tasks like organizing your underwear drawer before moving on to the next section of the room.
2. Sorting into Piles
Separate your items into three categories: donate, keep, and recycle.
3. Group Similar Items Together
Arrange important documents, memorabilia, and clothing with like items. Avoid mixing different types of items in the same storage space.
4. Use Clear Bins
Opt for clear boxes and bins for storing items. Clear containers make it easier to locate what you need and maintain organization.
5. Avoid Plastic Coverings
Remove plastic coverings from clothing to allow fabrics to breathe. Reuse dry cleaning bags as trash bags for donated clothing.
6. Invest in Quality Hangers
Choose sturdy hangers that are gentle on clothing and environmentally friendly. Uniform hangers help maintain clothing visibility and prevent garments from dragging on the floor.
7. Creative Storage Solutions
Maximize storage space by utilizing overlooked areas such as the back of doors. Install hooks to store accessories like scarves, necklaces, hats, and purses.
8. Consider Hiring a Professional
Organizing can be complex, and not everyone finds it easy. Professional organizers can assess what works best for different individuals and lifestyles, offering tailored solutions for optimal organization.
With these tips and tricks from organizing experts, tackling clutter and achieving a well-organized living space can become more manageable for individuals seeking organizational improvements.

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