Nutritious Breakfast
Pankaj Singh
| 14-09-2024
· Food Team
If you don't know what to eat for breakfast, why don't you try making banana peanut butter toast easily?
Preparation of peanut butter
Preparation steps
1. Place the peanuts in a baking dish in the oven at 150 degrees for 20 minutes, turning the peanuts in the baking dish once in between.
After roasting the peanut rice to cool, put it in a plastic bag, gently rub off the peanut skin, according to their taste for peanut oil blending, and prepare an appropriate amount of sugar.
2. peeled peanut rice into the food mill and stirred.
3. beaten peanut rice powder poured into a clean bowl.
4. pour the peanut oil into the stovetop pot and fry.
5. pour the fried peanut oil into the peanut powder.
6. pour in the prepared sugar.
7. stir well with a cooking rod.
8. peanut butter is ready, you can spread it on bread or bun slices for consumption.
1. peanuts should be roasted, otherwise, it does not smell good.
2. the amount of sugar can be put in according to their preferences.
3. peanut oil should be fried.
Banana peanut butter toast production
Production materials
4 slices of bread
4 spoons of peanut butter
2 bananas
Butter 10g
Caster sugar 10g
Vegetable oil 10g
Powdered cinnamon to taste.
Production method
1. Prepare the ingredients.
2. Cut the banana into even thick pieces.
3. Slice off the sides of the toast, spread peanut butter on one side, and cover with a slice of bread.
4. Put the butter, vegetable oil, and sugar in a pan and cook until the color changes to a pulp.
5. Put the banana pieces into the pan and toss until the surface is slightly golden brown.
6. Put the banana fast on the bread and sprinkle a little cinnamon powder on it.
Peanuts are currently a more ideal source of high-protein, high-fat nutritious food, containing a large amount of protein, fat, calcium, phosphorus, selenium, zinc, and other mineral elements, a variety of nutrients are more comprehensive and relatively balanced.
In addition, peanuts and their products are rich in unsaturated fatty acids, phytosterols, albuterol, vitamin E and vitamin C, folic acid, and other plant-active substances, which are very beneficial to promote health and preventing disease.
Peanut butter can prevent diabetes, and studies have shown that eating one spoonful of peanut butter five times a week can reduce the chances of developing type II diabetes by 21%.
Peanut butter is a delicious and beneficial food that may be consumed more often.